Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Challenge Day 9: Favorite Summer Memory

For this mani, I was having a hard time deciding what my favorite summer memory was! I thought of a lot of summer spent swimming, camping out, and even summers working at Bruster's (that's what I alluded to before) that brought back great memories. But then it came to me! When I was in college, one year I came home for summer and my dad informed me we were getting a new puppy. I was perfectly happy with my Shih-Tzu, Zeppy, and I resented the idea. Especially when he told me what we were getting - a boxer! I thought they were the ugliest dog ever because of their smushed faces. Regardless, I picked out a little girl and named her Sadie and fell in love ever since! Here she is:

This was taken about 2 years ago in September when we went to Put-in-Bay, OH for Labor Day weekend. The dogs had a blast because we went to a drive through safari and they got to come face to face with water buffalos, llamas, etc. Anyways, about a month after that vacation, Sadie passed away suddenly at only 3 years old. You may think I'm strange but in our house, our dogs are family members and we took it hard. Especially because there was no medical reason that she died; the doctor said she just stopped living, maybe her heart stopped. Sorry for the LONG story but I felt I needed to explain - so thinking back to that summer when I fell in love with what I previously thought to be the ugliest dog ever created, and what ended up being the most loving, loyal dog you could dream of - I thought, that was my favorite summer memory. And here is the mani inspired by her!

I knew I couldn't paint a boxer face that would be recognizable so I took the easy way out! But I really like it. I used Julep - Mandy for the background, Sinful Colors Black on Black for the pawprints and Stripe Rite in a turquoise blue for the writing. Hope you like it!