Monday, January 6, 2014

Nail Challenge Collaborative: Inspired by Art #3 (Pointillism)

Hi loves!! I have time for a second post today, because I got called off work - YAY!!! It's horribly cold out. I dug my car out of snow and layers of ice this morning, which took about 20 minutes, then I had to stop and get gas. By the time I pulled into the parking garage at work, my face hurt so bad, my ears felt like they were falling off and my eyes wouldn't stop watering. But, literally the second I pulled into my parking spot, my phone rang. After all that, it was my supervisor telling me the agency was closed! I thought about working for a bit, since I was there anyway, but then I decided to go back home and get warm! :)

SO that was my morning. Now, for this Inspired by Art mani, again I found the idea while Googling. I did a report on Pointillism in French while I was in high school, and I really like the look of it. I found this cool heart on Google, and I knew it would look great on the nail!

Instead of exactly recreating it, I decided to try the heart on one nail and do some of the other colors of dots on the other nails. I thought it got the point across without being too hard! I started with a base of Sinful Colors - Snow Me White, and I dotted the various colors using a dotting tool. I can't even begin to remember all the colors I used, sorry! I used 3-4 polishes for each colors (i.e. 3 purples, 3 pinks, etc...). I topped it all off with Seche Vite and the surface felt completely flat.

Here's a shot I took on my phone with the flash on. I thought the flash really helped all the different shades and colors to stand out. This was a really fun look!

I wore this mani for like a week, I didn't want to take it off! I'd love to hear your thoughts below! <3



  1. Kelly!!! these are so amazing!!!!!! i love them!

  2. Awesome manicure! I love any with dots so this one is great :)


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