Sunday, August 26, 2012

Geek Challenge - Games & Gaming (Pokemon)

Okay, this is the last one, I swear! Haha, I had so many games I wanted to do for Gaming week that I didn't even have the chance to do half of them. But, I did manage to squeeze in one more for this week: Pokemon! This is one of the things that make me truly a geek - yes, I'm 24 years old and I still play Pokemon when the mood strikes me! Go ahead, laugh, I've reached the point where I've accepted my geekdom and I embrace it! So, here's what I came up with - fairly standard, I took inspiration from lots of manis on Google, but I thought it turned out all right.

My thumb is Bulbasaur (I didn't realize at the time I painted him upside down), index is a sloppy Jigglypuff, the middle finger is a Pokeball, ring finger is Pikachu, pinky is Squirtle! I tried doing this mani a while back but I just didn't have most of the right colors I needed. 

Here's a close-up of the thumb. I smudged the one side of his face so I tried to patch it up. I kinda like him! Well, that's all I have for now!



  1. Wow! Pikachu looks so cute:)
    I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award here:

  2. This is totally awesome! I remember playing Pokemon all the time in high school. I kind of miss it! I love your Bulbasaur! So cute!

    1. Thank you! Doing this mani has inspired me to dust off my old games again ;]

  3. Pika! Pika! I LOVE these! You never grow out of geekiness, I'm 32, married with kids and still a gamer! :)

    1. Haha, good that gives me something to look forward to! I would never change my geekiness for anything :]

  4. Hahaha, no worries, the Pokemon fad never dies! I love Pikachu <3

  5. these look amazing! i freaking love jiggly puff!

  6. Pokemon!!!! Love that manicure!!! Pokemon is just the best game ever created. And you did a great job!

    1. Thanks!! That means a lot coming from you, lol - I love your pokenails blog!

  7. these are so adorable! I used to be obsessed with the cards haha. I especially like the Jigglypuff on your pointer :)

  8. These are amazing! Jigglypuff was my favorite when I was younger ;)
    I nominated you for an award on my blog here



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