Monday, August 20, 2012

Vacation nails and toes

I was so busy when I got back with the Geek Challenge and working on swatches and reviews that I realized I never did get around to posting the nails I wore on vacation! I was so excited about going to the beach that I did beachy, summery themed nails - it stormed and rained the entire time we were down there, but I didn't care!

I decided to try a sunset gradient on my nails, and I thought it turned out pretty well for my first try at a sunset! I actually haven't done a gradient in a while so I was glad I didn't get rusty. :]

They lasted about halfway through vacation, and then I decided to do something simple for the rest of the week because it was vacation and I didn't want to do anything super complicated. So, I just did a solid coat (gasp!) of Catrice Sold Out Forever. I never do solid one-color manis anymore, but this color was worth it. It's a gorgeous, so slightly mint green/off white. I didn't get any photos of it myself though, so swatches will have to wait til my boyfriend offloads his vacation pictures.

Then, for my toes, I was SO excited to try making mermaid nails after I got the large Martha Stewart glitter I've seen on The Nailasaurus. At first I tried placing them individually and that did not work at all! So I just took a brush with top coat on it, dabbed it into the glitters and mushed them onto wet polish. The base coat is Essie - Trophy Wife with an accent nail of Catrice Sold Out Forever, though you can't really see it much anymore!

These actually lasted way longer than I expected. I put a ton of Seche Vite on overtop (I think 3-4 coats) to try and make them last throughout vacation, but sand combined with me picking at them caused them to chip a bit about halfway through the week.
SO, I used the few colors I had brought along and my trusty new dotting tool to make another beachy or ocean-inspired look to get me through the rest of the trip. I thought it turned out pretty well for something I did on the fly!

And that does it for my vacation nails! What do you like to wear at the beach??



  1. Wow I have that SAME gradient in the opposite order on my nails right now!!! I was going to post it later this week because I wanted to wear it for a while - love the color combination. It looks awesome in that order too! Hope you had a nice vacation.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! They are my favorite ones I have :] Worth the pain it took to get them!

  3. okay i am going to point out a few things!
    1.I LOVE the gradient!
    2.I seriously think both of your pedicures are hella cute
    3. I LOVEEEEEEE Your tats! they look awesome!
    okay im done lol :)


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